Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy wrote about Concrete Dust and Groov-E-News observations for the accomplishments of Blastin’ Betty.

Betty is the star of the Blast Force™ Systems process for blasting with steel shot in concrete prep. or in actual engraving.  Groov-E-News has been running a survey among readers to learn their wishes for something that Betty would take off.  So far, she’s handled old, hard epoxy, old gray paint, mystery substance, carpet glue.  Someone has asked for a run at overlay material.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy wrote about a post in Concrete Dust discussing information at Groov-E-News about Advanced Concrete Staining.

David Larson, owner, used the Texas Star pattern in a flagstone pattern to transform an ugly concrete patches into art using tools from Engrave-A-Crete.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do it Groovy wrote that  Concrete Dust posted opinion about  a post at Groov-E-News mentioning several decorative concrete engravers who use Facebook successfully and vigorously to market their businesses and interact with customers.

The relationship that is akin to friendship from that interaction is the stuff that business depth is built on.  We’re all proud for the  one-time customer , but developing a communicating relationship with as many as possible is terrific.

I read  at Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy about  Concrete Dust wrote a post discussing information in a post at Groov-E-News about how decorative concrete contractors can and must use the internet to market their businesses and to serve their customers.   People are using their spare minutes to tap into their smart phones and get information about products and services.  Sure, sometimes they start out ‘shopping’ with no intention to buy, but if they find you, their potential to become intrigued increases.  If they can’t find you, both are out of luck.

So, check on the posts with their ideas about how you can make this Internet thing work for you.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy blog wrote a post discussing information posted at Concrete Dust and Groov-E-News about the new decorative concrete flooring technique soon to be released by Engrave-A-Crete.

The high-gloss dimensional finish makes plain gray concrete resemble polished marble or granite.   The Discovery and Training Seminar scheduled for January 12-14, 2011 is the next chance to get a road test on this new system.  Call 1-800-884-2114 today to get a reservation for the seminar.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy found a post at Concrete Dust about using social media marketing for decorative concrete businesses.

Social media marketing will be different, but can be very effective.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy wrote a post noting recent articles by Concrete Dust and Groov-E-News about Breaux Bridge, Louisiana where decorative concrete engraving is offered by Outdoor Hidden Treasures.   The project featured a beach scene with sea and sand using engraving tools from Engrave-A-Crete and stains, sealers and supplies from Concrete Resurrection.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy wrote about a post on Concrete Dust which refers to another post on Groov-E-News all of which discusses the impact higher shipping costs can have on a business.

The articles are about the efforts of someone at Engrave-A-Crete to make a simple design change in the decorative concrete templates that company produces for decorative concrete engravers.  When their major shipping source changed minimum sizes and rates for over sized packages, the templates were going to be more costly to ship.  UNLESS someone cut them differently.  They must be cut anyway, but that is a good company looking out for customers to take a minute and figure out what will benefit all.

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy found a post at Groov-E-News with some easy, common sense tips about routine equipment maintenance.  Take care of the tools because they’re going to be taking care of you.

DCEDIG says that Concrete Dust has a post about the Groov-E-News article that puts the girls’ spin on the maintenance topic…a beauty routine!

Decorative Concrete Engravers Do It Groovy wrote about a post at Concrete Dust mentioning tips given at Groov-E-News.

The tip was about applying inside epoxy during decorative concrete engraving project.  A common sense gauge to use when trying to get the proper thickness is, WALAHH– a butter knife.